Tuesday, April 28, 2009

You Know Who You Are


All the things you told me,
they were lies,
and to this very day,
I still think back
to each of you,
and laugh at all I knew you'd say.
I knew the lies so very well;
I knew exactly what I'd get.
My heart, my soul, my mind, they knew,
they knew it all before, and yet
My open heart of Troy
fell victim to your fatal words untrue...
I only wanted love
but that is more than I could say
for you.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Prestige (incomplete)

I know that you are waiting

to admire my Prestige.

For I to show my colours

so that you may take your leave

in peace at mind and heart.

But you’ll find my final Act

is not climactic to this show.

And a Prestige is what I lack.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

You always were first...

Right?  With everything (nothing), isn't that how it went?

But you wouldn't read this would you?  You don't stalk me, like you said, not anymore.  Right?

I know it shouldn't, I don't know why it did, but it hurt, to do that...
Not you doing it.  Just... for me to.

It shouldn't.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Arie a besoin de votre aide

Ok les gens, cela pourrait vous sembler stupide, mais S'IL VOUS PLAIT, lisez tout en entier.
Toute personne à qui j'ai envoyé ce lien sait que je ne veux forcer personne, je ne fais que demander
Mon nom est Arie Jalalianfard, et vous êtes sûrement un de mes amis, une connaissance ou une connaissance d'un de mes proches amis.
Qui que vous soyez, je recherche désespéremment votre aide.
Je me suis inscrit à un concour de vidéos en ligne, du style "montrez vos talents", dans lequel il faut montrer ce qui fait de nous une star en 15 secondes.
Bien sûr, je spinne.
C'est un concour dont le prix est de 10 000 dollars, et toute personne me connaissant sait que je ne ferais rien de tel sans de raisonnables chances de victoire.
J'ai besoin de cet argent pour sauver ma famille de la souffrance dans laquelle elle vit depuis maintenant 8 ans.
J'ai envoyé ma vidéo mercredi, et en deux jours je suis passé de la 340ème place à la 55ème place ! (4/18), à laquelle je suis maintenant.
Et c'était sans recrutement.
Mais maintenant, j'ai besoin d'aide.
Malheureusement, afin de voter, vous devez d'abord vous enregistrer, et donc je ne veux contraindre personne à faire cela pour moi, mais je vous serais extrèmement reconnaissant si vous acceptiez de prendre le temps de m'aider.
Premièrement, créez un compte à l'adresse suivante :
Vous devez indiquer que vous avez plus de 18 ans, dans le cas contraire ils vous demanderont l'e-mail de vos parents.
Deuxièmement, ouvrez l'e-mail reçu à l'adresse que vous avez donnez pour avoir le lien de validation. Cela activera votre compte. Si vous ne voyez pas ce lien, n'oubliez pas de vérifier dans la boîte "spam", il arrive qu'il y soit envoyé.
Troisièmement, connectez vous avec votre compte sur
Quatrièmement, cliquez sur :
Cela devrais vous renvoyer à ma vidéo.
Finallement, a côté de la vidéo là où il y a écrit "Vote Nom !", cliquez sur la marque verte. Faites bien attention à faire cela AVANT QUE MA VIDEO SOIT FINIE. Quand les 15 secondes seront passés, la vidéo suivante démarrera automatiquement.
Maintenant, à toute personne qui a pris le temps de faire cela pour moi, je vous remercie énormément, et j'aimerais que vous me laissiez un commentaire indiquant que vous avez voté, afin que je puisse vous remercier personnellement et avoir une idée générale de qui a voté. Mais j'ai une chose de plus à vous demander.
Maintenant que vous avez un compte sur, la partie la plus contraignante est terminée. J'ai besoin que vous votiez pour moi tous les jours.
Oui, le site vous permet de voter une fois par jour, et j'ai besoin d'autant de votes que possible, ou alors je vais quitter la tête de classement.
Ce concour dure jusqu'au 15 mai, et je conçoit que cela représente une longue durée de votes quotidiens mais cela m'aiderait vraiment énormément.
Donc encore une fois, si vous votez, s'il vous plait laissez moi un commentaire afin que je puisse vous rappeller tout les jours de voter pour moi. Je ne vais pas essayer de vérifier si vous avez voté ou quoi que ce soit, simplement un bref rappel pour ceux qui pourraient avoir oublié, et donc si vous n'en avez pas trop marre de le faire, ce serait fantastique si vous vouliez m'aider encore plus , incitez certains de vos amis ou des membre de votre famille à faire de même.
Update du vendredi 17 avril. Ok les gens, ceci est très serieux. J'ai besoin de votes quotidiens de la part de chacun. Je poste cela sur mon blog maintenant, et je demande à tout mes proches amis s'il vous plait de distribuer ce lien autour de vous :
Si quiconque a du mal à s'enregistrer ou à voter, laissez simplement un commentaire ici et repassez plus tard, je vous répondrai.
Résumé de ma requête :
1) enregistre vous et votez pour moi
2) votez tout les jours
3) distribuez le lien ci-dessus à tout ceux que vous connaisez
Merci énormément à tous pour votre aide !

I Want to Hold Your Hand

 DRAFT:  Typed at 3 AM on a crappy keyboard for the sole purpose of retaining a thought.  Will be fixed later.
Thes thoughts, i find it har to classify with my lacking undertaning, but i'll try the best i can in this quixotic twilight ramble.
Is it the art of hnd holding tht i wish to comment on? or the mehanics of hand holding? the politics?
but no i dont think those work
Whtever it is, i thought about it lot toay, or yesterday, saturday anywas.
What is it about holding hands tht makes it so appealing?  Is it a simple human desire for touch? Last i checked the hand was no particulrly erogenous zone.
Maybe the intertwined fingers, the palms pressed together, form s physiologicsl connection with an affection fo r this new, warm presence in you palm
notes to self for continuance:
s/m d/s
winidow trransference
senses, receivers

Friday, April 17, 2009

Arie Needs Your Help.

it's over, guys
anyone newly directed here, ignore it.
explanation later...

Okay guys, this may seem stupid but PLEASE read it all first at least

Anyone that I linked to this, know that I don't expect anything of you, I'm only asking

My name is Arie, and you're either a friend of mine, an acquaintance, or an acquaintance of a close friend of mine.
Whoever you are, I'm desperate for your help.

I signed up for an online video contest, sort of a talent show thing, to "show what makes you a star in 15 seconds
Of course, I spin pens

This is a $10,000 contest, and anyone who knows me knows I wouldn't push for something like this without reasonable hope
I need this money to save my family from the suffering it's been going through for 8 years now.

I submitted my video on Wednesday, and in 2 days I went from rank 320 to 100 76 55! (4/18) 23! (4/21) 11! (4/26), where I am now
And that was without recruiting
But now I need some help

Unfortunately, in order to vote, you have to first register, and so I don't expect everyone to do this for me, but I would be extremely grateful if you would take the time out to help
So if you would like to help me-

First, register an account at:
You may want to set your age as 18, otherwise they'll ask for your parent's email. I don't think they send anything though, it's for contest winners

Second, check the email you registered with for a validation link. This will activate your account
If you don't see an email, check your spam folder, as sometimes it gets sent there

Third, log into your account.

Fourth, click:
That should take you to my video

Finally, below the video where it says "Vote Now!", click the green check mark
Make sure to do this BEFORE MY VIDEO IS OVER
Once my 15 seconds is up, it automatically goes to the next video

Now, anyone that's taken the time out to do this for me, I thank you very much, and I'd like you to leave me a comment telling me you voted so I could thank you personally and have a general idea of who voted
But I've one more thing to ask
Now that you have an account on, the hassling part is over
I need you all to vote for me everyday.
Yes, the site allows you to vote once per day, and I need as many daily votes as possible or I'll get pushed right back out of the top ranks

This contest runs until May 15th, and I realize that is a long time to vote for me daily but it would really help me out so much

So again, if you voted, please leave me a comment so that I can remind you daily to vote for me
I won't try to make sure you voted or anything, just a quick reminder for anyone who might have forgotten, so if you just get tired of doing it, that's perfectly fine
If you'd like to help me out even more, get some of your friends and family to do the same

Update: Friday, April 17th
Okay guys. This is getting serious.  
I need daily votes from everyone
I'm posting this on my blogger now, and I ask all of my close friends to please spread this link around:

If anyone has trouble registering or voting just drop a comment right here and check back, I will definitely respond.

Summary of my requests:
1) Register and vote for me
2) Vote Daily
3) Spread this link to everyone you know

Thank you so much, everyone, for all of your support! ^^

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I sit here with my bag in hand
and a ticket stub
to Madagascar 2
And even now I can't help but wonder if you
or you
ever found out (or knew)
what goes on in my head.
But even as I ask myself
I know the answer.
For you: no.
And for you:
you never cared to know.

Names for My Children

Just a little note to self

For a son:
Kaile [KIE-lee]

For a daughter:
Celeste [sell-EST]

Continuing list as I remember.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


+42 for Aristotle.


The only day my hair matters, it fucks up.

Alright, it's ninja time bitches. 

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Title Removed to Avoid Offensive Content.

So is Lent over now?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Good Luck

The things you do don't always run as smoothly as you want them to.
You try hard not to differ from them all, but still you know you do.
You sleep late, and you cry, and make mistakes, and every single day,
you wonder why things have to be this way, but baby, that's okay...

Cos everybody has some times when things don't ever go their way,
and no one ever understands or knows the perfect things to say,
and I try hard (and fail, I know) to make your awful days suck less,
but just maybe you'll find that given time, I'll be your lucky guess.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Words that I like


because i am not

because i just do

because 'forget' just doesn't cut it

because... well who wouldn't?

because corporeal is so unnecessary

because it's so fun to spell

because v's make everything cooler

because it has a v and sounds like vicious, while being nerdy simultaneously

because it has a v and sounds cool

because it has a v and- ahahah

do i even have to?

because going first is shameful

because it makes your failures much less severe

because you'd think it's an insult, but you cant be too sure...

because discos are no fun without it

because it's the best way to wave your arms while you panic

because saturn makes me think of some kind of chairvase

Sunday, April 5, 2009


     I wonder what it is, oftentimes, that drives us human beings to act the way we do.  When the calamity of our lives does not exceed our patience, the sadness, our pleasure, and the desire, our contentment- still, then, one seems just as likely to act in this way that humans do.  So hostile, so aggressively bitter, superior in their actions while inferior in their minds.  In fact, I've found that those who have seen the greener grass, and those who keep it, are even more inclined to the natural atrocities of their kind; more so than any poor, starving farmer in a third world country.  More than any wartime family at loss for a father.  And more than any unfortunate persona of Tim Minchin's Worse Than I (save perhaps the man with the peanuts).  In essence, more than anyone who has to right and reason to behave in such a way.

     But could it be that such perfect lives are the very fuel for these outbursts?  An inner guilt born from their lack of suffering?  Maybe they feel that through drama, they may induce the afflictions that they are unworthily free from.  Maybe it is simply the vindictive, vicariously sadistic nature of human beings that doom us to our blatant habits of indignity.
     Or maybe we all just
think too much of things.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hey You

How does it feel?

You sitting there
Your newly found disposition
Your new lovers, so precocious,
your new values, no longer atrocious,
not to the crowd
you've assimilated to
so nicely
You know, that crowd
you've dissolved in,
surmisingly, it seems, it must be,
lest the hate for them, which you had once known so well,
were as much a fad as any
of the obscure feelings
you claimed or denied to have towards me.